

It seems these days that pregnancy is all the rave. In popular magazines across the land the gossip orbits around the burgeoning bellies of Hollywood's most famous. Pregnancy is so popular that it has become the plot for several movies.
In the 2007-2008 year of American cinema, three popular movies all navigated the familiar terrain of accidental pregnancy: Knocked-Up, Juno and Waitress.

Pregnancy is not only an issue in Hollywood, but it also informs the political arena as well. That is, the debate between Pro-Life and Pro-Choice rages. The conversative administration of George Bush introduce the Roe vs. Wade decision into political rhetoric once more. More importantly, it has been said that the evangelical constiutency that is such a political force these days, put Busy into office in the 04' election. And it is well known that on the top of their agenda is abortion.

Given these phenomenas, among others, critics of the movies above have gone as far to suggest that whether the filmmakers like it or not are making a political statement with respect to this controversial issue. The purpose of this essay will be to explore each of these films, after situating them in a wider socio-political context, to see if this dichotomy appropriately captures the content of the films.

1) I will review the three films
2) Search for critical commentary on the films.
3) Look at Bush Administration rhetoric
4) Situate these films historically among others with the same topic
5) Draw a connection between these seemingly opposed and contradictory phenomena

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